Welcome to Milwaukie-Waluga Masonic Lodge, the best lodge in the Portland area!
Making Good Men Better
Welcome to the Milwaukie-Waluga Masonic Lodge web site. We’re located in the middle of downtown Milwaukie on Main and Harrison, across from the Ledding Library and City Hall. Our membership is among the strongest in Oregon, with a membership of almost two-hundred men – many of them very active. If you’d like to learn more about freemasonry, please read our frequently asked questions. If you’d like to contact us about membership, we’d love to hear from you. Check out our membership page to find out how.
Lodge Meetings & Contact Information
Stated Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Dinner is served beforehand at 6:30pm. Check our lodge calendar page for degrees, appendant bodies and other Lodges that meet here. Ladies, sojourners, and guests welcome.
For additional information about Milwaukie Lodge, please feel free to contact Worshipful Master Paul Steigletter by email. If you’re a member and need information on dues, etc, contact the lodge Secretary James Brant.
Events & Facility Rental
We rent our lodge for special events, weddings, classes, retreats, reunions, and parties. Check out our facility rental page.
Our extended Masonic family
Milwaukie Masonic Lodge is home to approximately 200 Portland area Masons, plus several other organizations in our extended Masonic family: Demolay, Job’s Daughters, Eastern Star, Amaranth, York Rite, and Royal Arch Masons.
Those who seek membership
Anyone seeking Membership in Freemasonry MUST ASK a Masonic Lodge to recommend him. He must sign a Petition, stating his age, occupation and place of residence. Members of the Lodge vote by secret ballot. To be accepted, the ballot must be unanimous.
Click here to read some of the frequently asked questions about Masonry.
If you’re interested in the Craft, the best way to begin your journey is to use our Friend 2 Friend network. Click here to e-mail our Friend 2 Friend contact person or use the form on this page. We can help answer any questions you may have, arrange for you to meet some of the brothers, and take a tour of our Lodge.
Read some information from the Grand Lodge about Masonry.
Milwaukie #109 has one of the most active and diverse memberships you will likely find.
The process of joining the lodge starts with what is known as “Petitioning” the lodge for membership – essentially, asking to join. The Petition must be filled out, signed, and mailed to the lodge or given to your sponsor. Initiation Fees must accompany the Petition, but will be refunded in full if for some unusual reason your petition is rejected.
If you are just curious about our lodge and want to attend an event, contact our Friend-to-Friend committee and they will help you, and answer any questions you may have about our fine fraternity.
If you would like a petition immediately, please fill out this form completely and someone will get in touch with you right away. Press send when done!